Bordeaux Vacation Travel Guide – Video

Bordeaux – Enjoy a region where history and charm flows as freely as the world-famous wine produced here.

Bordeaux is both a city and the center of the wine region in France. As a city, Bordeaux is surprisingly bereft of things to see. One can find unique statutes, fountains and the like, but there isn’t really a particular location to mark of on your, “I saw that” list. The city of Bordeaux is, however, a good place to relax, drink and eat. For relaxation, you can put around this low key town and take in food at the outdoor cafes in the Place de la Comedie. The specialty food of the region are canellas, which are very good. If you’re with the wine and cheese crowd, Bordeaux is going to seem much more exciting. The surrounding region of Bordeaux produces wine by the mega cask loads and you can visit locations such as Chateau Mouton-Rothschild to smell and taste the grapes. Moderation is suggested as you want to avoid the grapes of wrath the next morning!



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